Everyone loves social media channels – whether that’s creating cat videos for YouTube, posting their latest lunch on Instagram or keep track of a sporting event on Twitter. But have you actually considered a job working in social media? It’s not as strange as it may seem!

Obviously, probably just minus the cat videos…

There’s two routes you could potentially take to working in social media:

Agency route

As digital interaction and marketing has boomed in the last few years, lots of agencies have sprung up to accommodate these needs. Some companies will use agencies to run their social media accounts – and an account manager could have a whole range of clients to look after! This could include everything from creating some interactive exciting content, longer blog posts about a certain topic to providing reporting on how your latest campaign has gone. Generally the companies will provide a guide on what they’d expect to see, and it’ll be linked to the industry they’re in, or who they’re trying to connect with…

For instance, a health and fitness company would want content around different exercises, nutrition, advantages of an active life etc – not videos of a penguin surfing (however entertaining that may be).

In-house social media

Big companies will generally employ their own social media officer (or even team!) to handle their social accounts. This may also be combined with another marketing role.

Think when you need to tweet Dorothy Perkins about when your delivery is due to arrive or like a post about the launch of a new skincare range in the Body Shop. All of these are with organised teams within the company.

How can you get into a social media role?

Working in social media for a business is completely different to using your own personal accounts. Yes the functionality is generally the same but you have adhere to brand guidelines and responses – everything you see and do is representing the company!

A good programme to consider our Business study programme, as not only is a module on social media included, but you’ll also learn about other aspect of businesses, and how social media could have an impact on these.

You’ll also need to look for relevant work experience – whether in an agency, a big company or approach a smaller company who may need help creating and posting content.