• We will operate a fair admissions process that places students on the right course, at the right level.
  • We will provide a safe and secure environment to ensure that they feel safe at College.
  • We will fulfil our legal requirements and go above and beyond to promote and celebrate equality and embrace diversity in all aspects of our work.
  • We will provide them with high-quality teaching, learning and assessment to meet their individual needs and aspirations.
  • We will assess their learning needs, create a plan for learning tailored to them and regularly discuss their progress to help them achieve their targets and goals.
  • We will treat them with respect, courtesy and fairness.
  • We will ensure that they receive high-quality impartial advice on their choice of course, careers and progression opportunities.
  • We will publish clear information about our activities, policies, assessment practices and results.
  • We will help develop their technical skills in industry standard facilities, and realistic working environments.
  • We will advise them of how well they are doing and what they need to improve at all stages of their programme through timely feedback.
  • We will provide them with a wide range of tailored support appropriate to their needs; for example, mentoring, coaching, counselling and wellbeing support, financial and learning support.
  • We will listen to their views on how we can make their experience at the college the best it can be and involve them in making decisions through representation on our Governing Body and Student Voice activities.
  • We will support them to progress at the end of their course to further learning, employment, an apprenticeship or Higher Education.

Personal tutors

In additional to their vocational tutor, every full-time student is allocated a Progress and Performance Tutor (PPT) as a first point of contact in all matters concerning social, person and academic welfare. Nothing is too trivial to discuss, so please encourage them to talk to their PPTs.

Your young person will be timetabled tutorial sessions, and like everything else on their timetable, attendance is essential. These sessions will cover group activities on key employability themes, as well as one-to-one sessions to see how they are getting on at College.