• What will I learn?

        Challenge yourself on topics including computer animation, games and mobile development and much more! Depending on the level of programme you complete, you will also be able to develop your existing interests and be introduced to new areas such as graphics and website development. English and maths will also be a vital part of your study programme, so you’ll be equipped with the literacy and numeracy skills employers are looking for

      • Why choose a MidKent College Computing & ICT study programme?

        You’ll gain the understanding, skills and knowledge to confidently enter employment in the computing industry, or take your education forward to university.

      • How is English & maths involved?

        If you’re aged 16-18 years old, English and maths will be a key part of your study programme. You’ll study both subjects at a level that is suitable for you. You’ll then be more confident in applying these skills at work, whether that’s by writing technical documents, coding or managing databases.

      • What facilities and trips are available?

        Students have visited the Eurogamer Expo in London, Gadget Show Live, Thorpe Park Resort, Disneyland Paris and taken part in paintballing. 

      • What have your past students gone on to do?

        Our students have gained employment in the local ICT industry, and also gone onto study further at university. Their web development and programming knowledge has helped them to secure apprenticeships too.

      • What can I do afterwards?

        All organisations of any nature will always need qualified ICT staff! You could become a web developer, project manager or systems analyst. Or why not consider becoming a games developer, programmer or network engineer. Your tutor will discuss your career ambitions with you, and the best way to achieve them.

      • What’s the difference between a Computing course and a study programme?

        Traditionally you may have studied a Computing course, where you would only study the qualification, such as software design, animation and website production. A Computing study programme is so much more than a Computing course!

        This change to study programmes is due to national feedback from employers saying young people need to have more than just a “qualification”; they need to have the skills to work in their chosen industry. A study programme encompasses the subject qualification, English and maths skills as well as work experience and personal development skills. You can read more about study programmes here.

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