• Study for a level 1 to 3 qualification. These provide hands-on experience as well as theory. They could take you to work or, with the right level 3 qualification, you could go on to university.

      • What will I learn?

        You will develop the skills, knowledge and experience required to work within the health & social care or childcare sectors. Depending on the level and type of course you undertake, you may complete a range of units including: diet and heath, anatomy, physiology, equality, diversity and rights, supporting and protecting adults, keeping children safe and children’s education. Level 1 to 3 qualifications will fuel you with the experience and theory that could take you to immediate work or even university. 

      • Why choose a MidKent College Health & Childcare study programme?

        Our tutors are expertly trained health and childcare professionals that will provide you with all the support and advice you need to successfully pursue a career within the industry. You'll also gain invaluable practical knowledge by completing an industry placement as part of your study programme. Additionally, we have strong links with a range of care establishments, giving you a great choice of places where you can develop. A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is required by law for all Health & Childcare students.

      • How is English & maths involved?

        If you're aged 16-18 years old, English and maths will be a key part of your study programme. You will study both subjects at a level to suit you. You'll need this to help those in your care, in operating equipment and even supporting young children with their learning.

      • What have your past students gone on to do?

        Students have progressed onto university to gain qualification in Teaching, Childcare Studies and Pharmaceutical Science. Many of our Childcare students gained employment from their work experience placements.

      • What facilities and trips are available?

        Past students have travelled to India to live at ABLE hospital (a charitable organisation) to shadow doctors and nurses on their community rounds. They also worked alongside social workers and teacher volunteers to teach children basic life skills.

        You'll have the opportunity to use a range of specialist equipment from hospital beds to sensory rooms. Our brand-new anatomage tables will allow you to have an interactive 3D approach to anatomy and physiology!

      • What can I do afterwards?

        You'll be equipped with the practical skills and theory to enter a wide range of employment options from midwife, nurse, nursery worker to social worker or carer.

      • What’s the difference between a Health & Social Care course and a study programme?

        Traditionally you may have studied a Health & Social Care course, where you would only study the qualification, such as caring for children, supporting adults and first aid. A Health & Social Care study programme is so much more than a Health & Social Care course!

        This change to study programmes is due to national feedback from employers saying young people need to have more than just a “qualification”; they need to have the skills to work in their chosen industry. A study programme encompasses the subject qualification, English and maths skills as well as work experience and personal development skills. You can read more about study programmes here.

        Students will complete extensive mandatory work placements to prepare them for their career. Due to the nature of these placements, all students studying these programmes will be subject to a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check.

      • Contact us

        By phone: 01634 402020

        By email: Contact us online

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