This privacy notice has been prepared in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

This privacy notice specifically refers to MidKent College’s use of data collected through the Pulse Surveys (2022).  

There are 2 types of information collected during this project:  

Survey Data - This consists of answers to multiple-choice questions, none of which contain personally identifiable data. Participants will also be asked to provide their course details. All courses listed have more than one person enrolled so no one individual will be singled out. A small number of questions provide free-text options for written answers. We ask participants not to use these fields to provide any personal information. 

Optional Personal Data – Participants can optionally provide their name if they wish for their response to linked to them. A small number of questions provide free-text options for written answers. We ask participants not to use these fields to provide any personal information unless they are willing to do so. Participants who provide their name and raise a concern will be contacted by the College so that the issue can be resolved. 

Purpose of Processing 

The survey will aid our response to teaching and learning within specified areas.  

If participants choose to provide personal data, the College will use this information to contact participants to follow up any issues or concerns. This information will also be used to record which students have completed the survey.  

Should any safeguarding or welfare issues be identified in the survey responses, the College will use the information to follow up on the concern.  

Lawful Basis for Processing 

By completing the survey, participants are providing consent to the processing of their personal data for the purpose specified.  

The College is legally obliged to respond to safeguarding or welfare issues should any be identified.  

Who We Share Data With and Storage 

The survey data is stored within Jisc Online surveys (formerly BOS). This information is stored in the UK and meets the requirements for GDPR.  

All survey responses will be reviewed by the survey administrator. If the survey administrator identifies any responses that require follow up or that indicate safeguarding concerns, then the information will be shared with the appropriate staff within the College.  

The anonymised analysis will be downloaded and stored onto the College network/devices and will be made accessible to College employees. The anonymised analysis will be published on a wider scale to enable to College to fulfil its Strategy.  

Your data will not be transferred outside of the UK.  

Retention Period and Criteria 

Named responses will be kept until the end of August 2028. The anonymised analysis will be kept for 6 years from the end of August 2022 (current academic year + 6 years).   

Any safeguarding issues and follow up actions will be retained in accordance with the College’s retention schedule.  

Data Subject Rights 

The GDPR provides certain rights that individuals may exercise in respect of their own personal data. If you would like to exercise any of the rights in the GDPR, in respect of personal data you have submitted, please contact the Data Protection Officer using the contact details below. Please note that there may be some circumstances in which your request cannot be complied with – for instance if we have a legal obligation to keep data, or to process it in a particular way. All requests to exercise GDPR rights will be handled on a case by case basis. 

Identity and Contact Details of Controller  

MidKent College is the controller of your personal data. Any responses and personal data submitted under this survey and any relevant follow up phone calls will not be processed by a third party or any other processor.  

If you have any questions about this notice or the ways in which we use your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer:   

Post: Data Protection Officer, MidKent College, Medway Campus, Medway Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1FN 

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Telephone: 01634 383525 

Right To Lodge A Complaint 

If you are dissatisfied with the way we are managing your personal data, please let us know in the first instance by contacting our Data Protection Officer on the above details. If you remain dissatisfied, you are entitled to raise your concerns with the Information Commissioner’s Office via