We’ve put together some top tips for you to consider when you’re online. Staying safe online is important; social media is becoming more popular as the days go on and most channels are seeing billions of active users daily. This tips won't take you long to do! Don't forget your tutors and student support are here to help you too.

It’s always a good idea to be mindful about what you are posting as potentially hundreds and thousands of people will see your posts – always think before posting. 

Here are a few tips you can do to stay safe online:

  • Set your profile to private
  • Only accept friend requests from people you know
  • Don’t post private information 
  • Keep your location, phone number, and address private 
  • When you are out don’t post your live location – if you want to post the location, wait until you are home so you can’t be found by someone you don’t know.

This is important as anyone can access your information which can result in unwanted attention and your private information being shared with people you don’t know. 

Trolls are something we can’t always control when it comes to social media so be mindful when you are commenting on someone’s post – be KIND. 

If you are experiencing a troll on your profile, don’t add fuel to the fire and respond, hide their comment, report them or if they keep coming back then block their profile. 

If you are worried about anything on social media, you can report this via the channels you’re on or you can contact our student wellbeing service for more advice on 01634 402020.

More tips on staying safe online.