Digital literacy is being increasingly deemed as important a life skill, as English and mathematics. According to a report published by the Digital Skills Committee, the digital future of the UK will see 35% of all jobs become automated within the next 20 years. 

It is therefore imperative we prepare for this change and the inevitable increase in jobs within the ICT sector. Computer skills are required in many areas from medicine and health, architecture and energy infrastructure, to the media, military, education and finance industries.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is widespread and the job market in computing and ICT is growing despite many countries still experiencing recession. The industry has one of the highest rates of job satisfaction – rather impressively, it is double the national average for any other work sector.

Computer technology affects nearly everything we do or use these days. Despite this, around six million British citizens, 12% of the country’s adult population, have never used the internet. Although the statistic may seem shocking, in 2013 over 17% of the population were aged over 65. There are many generations to whom computer technology is not second nature. Technology that the current generations see as standard in their daily lives.

There are few industries as diverse as ICT and globally the technology sector is booming. Worth a massive £3 trillion, employers are in increasing need of cutting-edge ICT skills.

So, you like technology and know your way around a computer but what else can you do with ICT qualifications?

Are you creative?

Digital artists and multimedia developers create graphics, 3D imagery, music, video and animation to create websites, apps, video games and a range of multimedia projects. If you have a creative side, coupled with quality ICT skills, this could be the perfect role.

Have a technology idea?

Do you dream of inventing the next cult technology? Data modellers, telecoms engineers and systems engineers imagine the next ‘big thing’ and work to bringing them to life. Great ICT skills, imagination and the drive to create new gadgets are the skills needed to make technology history.

Great analytical skills?

Businesses of all sizes use an extensive amount of computer technology to manage and support information systems and to design new strategies. Exceptional ICT experience and efficient logic and problem solving skills are needed to fulfil a business analyst role.

Like the idea of working in marketing?

The advertising industry is a great way to utilise your ICT technical skills whilst displaying your commercial creativity. New systems need constructing to support customer databases, interactive PDF campaigns require building and websites need designing.

So, you are great at ICT and love people?

Technical ‘know-how’ and fantastic people skills are the perfect combination for a role within the ICT customer support sector. With the many things that can go wrong with technology, where would we be without ICT support specialists?

For more information on study programmes, IT courses and apprenticeships in Computing & ICT, call our course information line on 01634 402020.