If truth be told, I’ve shied away from studying for a ‘proper’ qualification for years now, mainly because being an adult and balancing home and work life was difficult enough, without the added complication of study.

But in terms of keeping my skillset fresh and my CV attractive, I knew that sooner rather than later I’d need to do something other than the short courses and webinars that I’d come to rely on for training.

MidKent College’s coaching qualification looked to be a good option. It was short, affordable, and incredibly relevant to some additional responsibilities I’d picked up at work to support and develop others. I was still a little nervous about the time commitment, but a quick call and a chat with the course tutor put my mind at rest and I signed up.

The course was taught over four months. For the first two months I attended a weekly online class which gave me a theoretical grounding in coaching, and helped to prepare me to write (and pass!) the first assessment. From that point onwards, I was let loose to use the time putting what I’d been learning into practice and coaching a staff member to meet the practical part of my assessment. Throughout this latter stage, I had access to tutorials to discuss my progress with my tutor, and to make sure that I was keeping on track with the assessment requirements.

It was really helpful that all of my classes and tutorials took place online, and I think that’s proved so successful that some of the College’s other qualifications for adults will have more online and flexible learning elements in the future.

Would I recommend the course? Absolutely yes. Up until now the help I’ve given others at work has often resulted in my giving them advise or telling them what I’d do. Now I can use a coaching framework to help them explore their options and take responsibility for the decisions they make. It’s a game-changer!

Could a coaching course be for you? Find out more here.