We all know that the Esports industry is expanding right now and creating so many opportunities for those with the right skills! You may not be looking to become a pro player, but have you considered becoming an esports shoutcaster or host?

What does an Esports host do?

An Esports host is the key communicator between what’s happening in the competition and the audience. They’ll also talk to players and coaches about their matches too.

Skills you’ll need to have:

Confidence. You’ll need to be comfortable speaking on camera and to large groups of people in a clear and concise way – often without a script or any prompts. Practice speaking in front of groups of people or by recording yourself. This is definitely a skill that requires practice! Why not try watching an Esports competition, with the sound off, and seeing if you can communicate the action as it happens?

Versatility. You’ll need to be able to throw yourself into a range of different types and sizes of events, especially when you’re just starting off in your career. Research and follow some existing hosts – what language and knowledge do they use when they’re hosting specialist events?

Keeping calm. Not only will you have the excitement of the tournament to keep up with, but you’ll also have a producer talking to you in an ear piece giving you pointers or time cues. Closely watch professional hosts and you’ll see how they manage this, how they take cues to wrap something up or to include something that’s *just* happened

Research. You’ll have to keep up to date with all of the latest games and their developments, as well as new and emerging players. You’ll be hired on the extensive knowledge you have, and how you can communicate this in a way the audience understands and can relate to

Stamina. Some of the tournaments are LONG. And you need to be buzzy and motivated from the start right through to the end! You can only achieve this by practicing – now’s the time to start!

Communication. You’ll need great communication skills to provide indepth knowledge and fast thinking for your audience. You'll need to vary the language and phrases you use when commentating to suit different audiences.

What to do next:

  • Check out platforms such as Twitch to see how the pros do it. They’ll have years of experience building their following and trying different ways to engage their audience. You may be good at talking, but can you communicate effectively as a host?
  • Connect with existing hosts on social media and start to build a connection with them. Start a conversation, ask them questions or see if they’ll share advice! Networking is key in any industry.
  • Practice, practice, practice!
  • Make a note of key phrases or words that hosts use. How do they bring their personality into their hosting?
  • Check out the Esports programmes at MidKent College! We’re offering Esports qualifications at our Maidstone and Medway campuses from this September. You’ll learn all of the core skills needed to enter the industry from marketing and social media through to shoutcasting, leadership and teamwork.

Read more about the Esports industry here, and apply online for this September here on our website.

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