We know that interviews can be really tough, so here are some top tips for you...from the interviewer's side of the table! First impressions are so important from being on time to how you dress and maintaining eye contact. Don't forget our impartial careers advisers are here to help you too with everything from researching vacancies to preparing your CV.

“What do you first notice about a candidate?”

Simple things like eye contact, positive body language and whether they shake hands on the way in! A first impression is so important. Similarly, they’ll be wanting to see if I’m friendly and approachable – ultimately do they want to work with me too!

“How could candidates improve?”

It’s very obvious if you have, or haven’t, prepared for an interview. I don’t expect you to know everything about the company, but make sure you do some research:

  • Check social media accounts, latest news stories, any community or charity work we do and our priorities. Most information can be found on our website. Feel free to refer to notes if that’s easier for you!
  • Ensure you read the job description properly
  • Before an interview write a list of things you’re likely to be asked, and come up with simple answers to them. Don’t worry about memorising the answers as it needs to be adapted to the interviewer’s question, and seem natural in the interview. You’re generally going to be asked about teamwork, communication with others, prioritising and organising your work. So, what examples can you give from your studies or other jobs for this?
  • Answer the question - If you’re not sure what the question means, please ask!

 “How should I dress?”

This can be flexible per industry, but I would say in general you need to look smart and presentable. Don’t go too OTT on things like jewellery or make-up.

“What could I ask as additional questions?”

There are lots of things you can ask – some of your initial questions may be covered in the interview itself.

Ask about team structure, opportunities for progression, projects that you’ll be involved in, etc.
I wouldn’t advise asking for more hours or money – after all, you have applied for a position with a clear salary and working hours. This could make the interviewer doubt whether you’ll be a long-term option for their company.

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