Our campuses in Maidstone and Medway are richer in biodiversity than we think. At our Maidstone Campus we had heard rumours of hedgehog sightings, so we sprung into action to ensure that we are helping this endangered British species!

That is why we’ve now become an organisation that is working towards becoming a Hedgehog Friendly Campus – whilst this focuses on hedgehogs, the tasks and awareness campaigns we are putting into action will benefit the wider environment and community. We're committed to ensuring both our campuses are an inviting place for wildlife, and plan to involve our students and prospective students in all our sustainability efforts.

What is a Hedgehog Friendly Campus? 

The Hedgehog Friendly Campus initiative is a national campaign launched by the National Union of Students (NUS) and the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. There are a multitude of tasks to complete to gain hedgehog friendly status from surveying and hazard auditing to litter picking events.  

Why should we help hedgehogs? 

MidKent College is becoming increasingly passionate about sustainability and with hedgehogs becoming vulnerable to extinction in the UK, we need to act now. As a college we can help them make a comeback by providing shelter, keeping our campuses clean, and planting hedgehog friendly plants. 

How can I help?

Keep your eyes peeled on what campaigns we're holding in the coming year. If you are interested, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get involved with upcoming events and to become a hedgehog ambassador.

Signing up will give you a reference for your CV and a certificate!   
