“Failing to plan is planning to fail” – how many times have we heard that phrase? It is particularly relevant when preparing for exams! You can help your son or daughter to create a clear revision plan, find resources and provide a quiet, clear workspace. Find out our top tips below...

Top tips for parents during the exam season:

  • Ensure your child has all of the essential books, textbooks and stationary they need
  • Help them to structure a revision timetable that suits them and their studying style. It’ll need to be broken down into manageable chunks with time for exercise and chilling out too
  • Feed their revision. Provide appropriate healthy snacks and drinks for them – they won’t be able to power through their revision on 20 cans of Red Bull! (Even if they think they can!). A good breakfast on the day of the exam is so important too
  • Ask questions, quiz them or be a sounding board – depending on their learning style they may prefer to be asked topical questions or to teach you! This will help them to identify knowledge gaps, and therefore areas to revise
  • Provide support where needed – this could be letting others know your son or daughter is revising, to letting them vent their stress! It’s only a short term phase, and it’ll be over before they know it!
  • Make sure they get some decent sleep and don’t say up to 1 am playing Xbox or watching TV.

It can be stressful for you too, seeing your son or daughter worry about their exams. Luckily it’s only a short period of their lives but do ask them to seek help from their teachers or tutors if they need it.

Don’t forget to check out our other helpful #StudySmart tips and advice for keeping cool under pressure, eating right and those all-important exam keywords.

Is your child a student of MidKent? We have lots of help available to our students during this stressful time. Whether it's extra learning resources, tutoring or just some useful tips and advice, contact our student services team.