February is LGBT History Month, and here at the College, and across the UK, we commemorate those who have campaigned for improved rights, we celebrate the LGBT community and promote an equal and diverse society for us all. Find out more information, and how you can get involved, below!

How can you support LGBT History Month?

Celebrate in your own way by picking up a purple ribbon or badge, watching an LGBT film or picking up a book by an LGBT author. Make sure you check out the LRC's Moodle page to check out their LGBT History Month book choice this February – “Grayson Grayson”. There's also other e-book recommendations, TV programmes and films for you to consider too. Why not watch a TED talk too?

You don’t have to be LGBT to celebrate this February – it’s for absolutely everybody. 

Don’t forget to check out the #LGBTHistoryMonth hashtag on Twitter to see what others are doing!

How can you support an LGBT person?

  • Be open-minded and respectful
  • Be sensitive with questions – it takes a lot for people to open up!
  • Keep information private – it’s not your place to tell others confidential information
  • Be aware – challenge inappropriate behaviour where you see it
  • Don’t make assumptions
  • Reassure them – it’s completely normal to be LGBT
  • Refer them to support if they need it.

This LGBT History Month think about what you can do to challenge prejudice in the world around you, and how you can make the world a more equal place. Don’t get us wrong – this isn’t just for one month a year! It should be considered and put into practice year long.

Need some help and advice?

Find out more in the Student Support section on Moodle or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Don't forget our student engagement team are here to help too!