It’s important to look after yourself – both physically and mentally. Here's some quick and simple tips that may help to improve your mental health. Don't forget we're here to help. Get in touch with student support or your tutors today.


Regular activity can boost your self-esteem, help you to concentrate better and improve your sleep!

Check out local classes, offers on gyms or just grab your trainers, some water and get those tunes blasting for a walk round your local park!

Keep hydrated (with water!)

It’s important to keep yourself hydrated – so aim for 2-3 litres per day. There’s lots of apps available to keep on-track of your water consumption. Alcohol is a depressant, and not a good way to manage your emotions and feelings.

Take a break

Sometimes a break from routine – even if it’s just 10 minutes! – may help you. Find what chills you out, and just listen to your body. There’s no point burning yourself out as your concentration and mental health will suffer. Tackle issues head on – avoiding things won’t make them go away! Do what works for you whether that’s creating a list you can tick things off, or discussing your issues with a friend or family member.

Keep in touch with others

Sometimes you may just not want to talk to anyone, and that’s OK! As long as that doesn’t become the norm. Book in to see friends, and it’ll give you something to look forward to too.

Eat well

Make sure you eat a balanced diet so you stay healthy. Stay away from too many sugary foods and takeaways as they’ll make you feel sluggish!

Top up your vitamin D

It’s important that you get time outdoors in the fresh air – particular in winter! SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, can affect some people so they’re more depressed in the winter. Read more about SAD here.

Ask for help, support or advice

Recognise when you’re not feeling good in yourself. Ask for help from friends, family, those at College or gain support from independent sources. Find out more from the mental health charity Mind about the support available from them.