Chances are that if you have a smart phone, you’ll have heard of Pokemon Go. But your smart phone, the Pokemon app, the GPS, Facebook, all have a behind the scenes team that are involved in creating something so popular. 

It got us thinking about some of the places an IT qualification could take you...

Formula One Technician

Aero Performance engineers help to fit aerodynamic devices on the cars and study all of the data around the movement of the vehicle, which can be crucial to a big win at the Grand Prix. Plus you get to be track side at every race.

Cyber Security Officer

The guy that works in James Bond’s basement? He does this. Cyber security personnel are responsible for scanning digital spaces and looking out for hackers, or people trying to take high profile information. You could work protecting the government or the FBI - a pretty important job.

A NASA Scientist 

A Computer Scientist at NASA can earn up to $121,000. For this, you get to help develop strategies and technologies to make sure NASA works as efficiently and safely as possible to get astronauts, space stations and satellites up above the Earth.

A Music and Sound Engineer 

If you’ve ever been to a music festival, or watched a big concert on TV, you’ll have noticed a big box near the back of the arena full of a digital team who make sure that the artist sounds just right. Chances are they’ll have IT skills – balancing out the music, singing, and instruments is no mean feat.

An Arctic Explorer

It may not be your first thought, but the British Antarctic Survey spend months and months on the snowy ice caps researching global warming, space, animal behaviour, and life in the region. They can’t do this without people operating their aircraft, processing the data they find, or building engineering programmes. 

To find out more about our IT courses and where they could take you, click here.