Learning is a journey, and nobody tells you when to start, or when to stop. You’re never too old to start something new, or top up your skills. But why is going back to education a good idea? It could be a great opportunity for you to increase your career prospects!

You’re more mature

When you’re returning to education, you have a little bit of life experience behind you, and are in a better position to apply your learning to the ‘real world’. Often you also have a clearer head about what you really want to do.

You’ll meet new people

A lot of people fear that they will be in a class full of young people. But with education more accessible than ever before, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the mix of ages that are learning with you.

Increase your options instead of changing your role

If you’ve been in your job a long time and can’t see where you’re going to progress, but want to stay in your industry, topping up your qualifications can be a route to more money and upward career movement.

Keep your skills updated

With industries always changing and shifting, it can be easy to get left behind. Returning to education allows you to keep your skills up-to-date, as well as offers the chance to learn more. Or, if you’re beginning something new, you’ll be going into the workplace with the knowledge that is most relevant.

Develop your network and contacts

Being back in education means you’ll be in contact with a whole new group of people, professionals, and classmates that may be useful to you in the future.

But what if my qualifications aren’t right?

Your original qualifications or your work experience might actually be enough for you to get onto a range of courses. If not, there is always the option to do an Access course to get you ready to get on the course you want.

Our Access courses run over three or four days and last for a year, and you learn the skills needed to study at university, as well as having set time for the UCAS application process.

Don’t forget our Higher Education Open Event is happening on 20th October – feel free to come along if you’re thinking about returning to education!