The dreaded wait for your exam results can be very stressful. Panic and fear are possibly some of the many feelings you are experiencing. You are not alone, and many other students are feeling the same way.

Here are some top tips and advice to help with your feelings and emotions on the build-up to results day:

  • Make sure you get plenty of rest - so you wake up in a good frame of mind and feel refreshed. Avoid too much caffeine before you go to bed and try to relax as much as you can. Take a social media break to ease your mind and read a good book
  • Talk to someone about your feelings - don’t bottle it up. Talking about your feelings to your friends or family can help relieve some pressure – you may think that you are the only one feeling like this, but the chances are that your friends are feeling the same way
  • Plan – make sure you know what time and where you need to pick up your results. Think about your next steps in case you don’t get the outcome you hoped for, so you don’t panic on the day. Also, plan something fun with family and friends for the rest of the day so you have something to look forward to/celebrate your result
  • Don’t go alone to pick up your results - having someone there can help to settle your nerves and be a shoulder to lean on in case you don’t get the results you expected
  • What if you didn’t get the results you were hoping for – don’t panic! There are plenty of options if you didn’t get the results you wanted. Breathe and talk to your parents, tutor and a careers advisor to see what your options are. There’s a possibility that you could enrol on a lower level of the same programme or maybe an apprenticeship could be for you?

Do you need to talk to a careers advisor for some advice? Our qualified and impartial careers guidance advisers can support you in identifying career choices and planning your next steps. You can contact the team on 01634 383636 or by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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