Whether you are currently studying a sports related course or thinking about applying to start one in this September, one of the big questions you’ll have is, “what can I do once I have completed my programme?” 

We’re here to help!  We’ve put together some ideas for you to consider and explore. 

Want to head straight into work after College? Here are three options for you: 

  • Sports Administrator 

Work in a gym, leisure centre or sports club dealing with customer enquiries. co-ordinating fitness classes and dealing with bookings. 

  • Fitness Instructor 

Help individual or groups of clients achieve their fitness goals by leading an exercise or sports class, supporting and motivating along the way.

  • Sports Coach 

Work in schools, leisure centres, holiday resorts, adventure centres, children’s clubs or sports clubs providing support and expertise with specific sports, either on an amateur or professional basis. 

Think you’d like to progress to university for further study before going into work? Here are three options for degree courses that you can consider after completion of a Level 3 Diploma in Sport or Sport & Exercise Sciences at the College: 

  • BSc Sport & Exercise Sciences 

Learn in more depth about health and nutrition, biomechanics, sport psychology, physiology and fitness testing for careers in sports therapy, advanced coaching or teaching. 

  • BA Sport & Leisure Management 

Learn about leadership, finance and management, sport marketing and leisure event management for careers in local government, leisure centre management, sports agencies or marketing departments in gyms, leisure centres or sports clubs. 

  • BA Sports Education 

Want to be a PE Teacher – this could be the course for you!  

There are lots more options for you to consider too, why not use our Career Coach tool to help you search and explore further?

Looking for a Sport programme near you? Find further information and APPLY NOW!