You may have heard this phrase used a lot recently on social media and in the media, but what does it mean and how can you incorporate it into your life as a student at College? Don't forget we're here to help! Here are our top self-care tips to help you stay on top form inside and outside of College:

Self-care really just means taking time to look after yourself and your own wellbeing – making small adjustments to look after your physical health can help you manage your mental health. Sounds simple, but it really does have an impact! The transition from school to college is always stressful, but don't forget that all of the staff at the College are here to help you.

Self-care is said to help reduce stress and anxiety, build resilience, boost self-esteem and confidence and improve mental health. 

1. Tidy, Plan, Organise.  Take 15 minutes to put your college books and equipment in order, organise your time and plan your week.  For example, packing up your bag the night before college will give you more time in the morning before you leave which equals less stress.
2. Exercise – preferably in the fresh air.  Lots of studies have shown that being outdoors in nature is great at reducing stress levels. Think of it as eco therapy!
3. Do something creative.  You can get a real sense of achievement through creating something from scratch.  It could be baking, drawing, writing – anything that gives you something else to think about other than college, television or social media.
4. Maintain social connections. Reaching out to those around you is really important.  We’re lucky that even with social restrictions in place we have the technology to keep in touch with our loved ones. 
5. Treat yourself! We all need to indulge ourselves occasionally.  It could be taking some time out to watch a film or series, read a book, have your nails/hair done or just eat a big chocolate bar!
6. Listen to yourself. Don’t ignore it if you start to feel run down, anxious or depressed. Learn to spot the early warning signs and take action if necessary. Maybe now is the time to switch from self-care to seeking further help.

Our student services team are here to help whatever the issue, whether it’s College related or personal. Found out more about the range of services on offer here.

You can also access further information and resources about mental health and wellbeing via your Moodle account.