You may have been in the job two months, two years or 20 years but you can still develop new skills to get the best from your team. It’s so important that you adapt your management approach to suit the situation, organisation and culture – having one approach for every project won’t be productive and effective!

Can you be…The Guru?

Are you the go-to if there’s an industry specific question or are you considered an expert in your field? Use this technique if you are the most knowledgable for the project at hand, or if the knowledge gap between your team is too great. Just don’t forget to develop your team’s knowledge so they become less reliant on you for this.

Can you be…The Relationship Builder?

This technique tends to make sure everyone is involved, and that opinions are shared. Identify your team’s talents, and then assign projects to suit skill sets. However, it may be worth encouraging collaboration between employees so they learn new techniques and skills, so projects will become easier over time.

Can you be…The Motivator?

Do you set realistic goals, pay attention to the details and know how to get the best out of your team? You’d need to model ideal behaviour and build trust and confidence in your team. Just ensure you set SMART targets, realistic and achievable but still stretching and measurable.

Can you be…The Dependable?

Do you provide the strong foundation needed for your team by consistency and hard work? Just be careful that you’re not seen as inflexible and open to new ideas – you don’t want to be bypassed yourself as you’re deemed as not innovative.

Can you be…The Challenger?

Do you question what’s considered to be the “norm” and accepted practice? Ensure your team is comfortable and confident in this environment – new, shy employees may not blossom with this technique!

To ensure productivity and an effective team it’s always best to differ your style, not everyone will react well to “The Challenger” or “The Motivator”!

MidKent College offers a range of free online courses to develop your management style. Find out more here.