When working in care benefits both you and the patient

For those who work in Health and Social Care, they often find their work rewarding, varied and satisfying. If you’re thinking about going down the same path, check out why we think it’s a good idea.

You interact with a range of people

Everyone needs caring for at some point in their lives, whether it is as a child, a new mother, and a medical patient or as an elderly relative. Your interpersonal skills will definitely be used, and you’ll grow as a person as you help more people.

You’re on the move

Occupational health centers, hospitals, care homes, physical therapy wards or private hospices could all be your places of work. Your job really could take you anywhere.

You could work anywhere

Unfortunately the world isn’t short of disease and famine, and those working in health and social care are often desperately needed to help aid efforts abroad. Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children, Oxfam and Unicef are all examples of amazing organizations that recruit people to help save lives all over the world.

You build strong relationships

If you work within a care home or organization, you can quickly build up relationships with those in your care. You can be in a great position to help someone as much as possible if you know his or her needs, recognize when they’re not feeling right, and comfort them if they’re struggling.

There are flexible hours

This can often suit people who have families, or need to be flexible with their working arrangements.

Great progression opportunities

You never know where your social care role could take you. It could lead to you managing a home, being a counselor, a finance supervisor or even working with local authorities such as social services. You can update your skills as you work and always be ready to take on a bigger, more challenging role.

To find out more about our Health and Social Care courses and how they could help you, head here.