It’s completely possible for anyone to learn to code – it just takes a bit of time and practise! You can start to learn in an afternoon, and within a few weeks you could be building simple apps and websites. You could also retrain to be a part of this booming industry!

Think about how much of your life is dominated by technology – you may not even realise some of it! From your phone, online transactions to Google maps and the TV, all of it will have coding involved at some stage. Consider the latest tech developments in the news from wearable technology to self-driving cars – this digital revolution is only going to continue to grow and coding is right at the heart of it.

Coding involves a range of skills from maths and algorithms to logic and problem-solving. Big and unmanageable problems can be broken down into smaller bite sized, and achievable, tasks. You’ll also need to unleash your inner creative – think of some of those really interactive and whizzy websites you’ve probably used – they’re all built using code.

You may not end up being a senior programmer or developer, but coding and algorithms are in more industries than you think. If you have a fantastic idea for an app, coding could enable you to have a profitable source of income. Coding can also solve monotonous problems you may have in your day-to-day life, and make you a more efficient employee at work. It’s also something that’s not limited to you having to complete at a desk – with a WiFi connection you could be doing it over a morning coffee in a shop or at the park!

Not only is it a useful skill, but jobs for skilled coders are always in demand and set to increase as we move towards a more technological world. It’s not just a job for young people, view it as an opportunity to upskill and retrain, or even for a bit of fun!

Where else is it cool to code?

Web design – how do you think this website was built? Or Facebook? Or even the Angry Birds app?

Engineering – engineers will use coding to design new products, as well as test their functionality.

Science – scientists create simulations to test scenarios, as well as to analyse and report on their latest experiments.

Gaming – an obvious industry! All those PC or console games would have been designed, built and tested by a programming professional

Planes – you may not fancy being a pilot, but how do you think planes function? That’s right. Coding.

Have you considered increasing your technological knowledge on a Computing and ICT programme at the College? We offer a range of different levels, right up to foundation degree level.