Navigating through the best education options for your young person can be quite challenging. There are several personal development and practical reasons why your young person may choose to attend MidKent College:

Personal development reasons

  1. Education and skill development - Our college provides an opportunity to learn and gain knowledge in different fields of study. It helps your young person develop critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and research skills that are valuable in various careers

  2. Career opportunities - Having a College qualification can open up a wider range of job opportunities and increase their chances of finding a rewarding career. By gaining advanced qualifications and specific industry-related knowledge, students can improve their chances of securing opportunities in the job market

  3. Personal development and confidence - It can be a life-changing experience which helps students grow personally. They are given the opportunity to get involved in different environments, and cultures and allows them to express themselves in a way they might not have before

  4. Networking and connections - MidKent College provides an excellent environment to build a network of friends, tutors, and professionals in their field of interest. These connections can be valuable for future job opportunities and mentorship. This provides students with valuable industry insights, and potential job placements or internships that can give them a competitive edge in their chosen field

  5. Specialism and expertise – College offers amazing programmes and courses that allow individuals to explore deeper into their chosen field of study. This can help them develop a more advanced level of knowledge, skills, and expertise that can be highly valued in the job market

  6. Practical training - College often focuses on practical training, giving students skills that are directly needed in the workplace. This can be particularly beneficial for those looking to enter skilled trades, technical professions, or industries that highly value practical experience.

Practical reasons
Lots of students are successful at College, and go on to get great jobs, even if they did not necessarily get great qualifications at school. A College student can progress from foundation or entry-level courses all the way up to degree level and professional qualifications.

  1. Practical learning - depending on what course they are doing they may be learning in a classroom or training in realistic work environments such as engineering workshops, industry-standard training restaurants, hair and beauty salons, high-tech recording studios, media suites and live performance venues.

    There are still exams and written assignments at College but there are also courses that include practical assessments where you will be assessed in a realistic work environment.

  2. Help and support - MidKent College is proud of being a diverse, inclusive, safe place to learn, and there are lots of people who can help and support them whilst there.

    We have open days, enrolment events, induction weeks and freshers’ activities to welcome and help them transition into college life.

    Our course tutors will ensure they get to know them through group tutorials or a one-to-one session, offering support and ensuring they are on track with their work and learning.

    Financial support – if you are on a low income, support is available such as free meals, travel, or childcare.

    Our Careers Team can help them decide which direction they want to go in at the end of their course. They can help develop their CV, practice their interview skills, and apply for jobs and apprenticeships at the end of their course.

    We also provide support for students hoping to progress to Higher Education, supporting students in making university applications through UCAS and researching their degree-level options.

  3. Great facilities - MidKent has great facilities such as:

    Learning Resources Centre - Wi-Fi throughout the campus, PCs, multimedia resources, magazines, books and access to e-library and e-learning resources, from home or College, to help them study.

    Food and refreshments - Meet and eat in the friendly atmosphere of various onsite coffee shops or restaurants.

It's important to consider your young person’s personal interests and career goals when deciding whether to attend MidKent College. Each young person’s circumstance is unique, so it's essential to carefully look at the benefits before deciding.

If your young person is still unsure about their next steps, contact our impartial careers advisors on 01634 383636.