On 28 February Level 3 in Public Services students visited HMP Rochester as part of their Custodial Care unit. Officers gave the students a tour of the working prison including details about cell allocation, education and discipline. 

Students started their tour with the file procedures of a search of a prisoner and learnt more about the career opportunities from the officers. They also spoke with a prisoner, and saw police officers taking a prisoner to court.

They learnt about the facilities prisoners have access to, as well as the different ways that contraband is smuggled into prison. The search dog team and prison Governor also met with the students to share their insights into the prison processes and security.

Public Services lecturer Darren Everitt said “Our visits into industry are vital for our students as they can experience the range of career opportunities available to them as part of the public services.

The visits also demonstrate how the skills the students learn in class are applied in real-life scenarios in industry and will be useful to many when deciding their future progression options.”

Public Services student Daniels Kostjukevics said of the visit “We gained a detailed journey of the prisoner. The trip itself was very beneficial to our assignments and has also opened opportunities for further engagement with the prison service.”

We would like to thank HMP Rochester for the excellent opportunity and knowledge that they shared with our students.

If you are considering working in the uniformed services, consider a Public Services study programme at the College. Click here for more information.