Congratulations to Art & Design student Caspian Reynolds who demonstrated the commitment and creative ability required to be entered for the hotly-contested WorldSkills UK competition in Birmingham.

His professional, artistic and thoroughly researched submissions during the regional heats saw him being shortlisted for the finals at the end of 2018.

His success continued with his winning Gold in X 2018 after a competitive final focussing on an advertising and branding creative brief. Not only did they have to excel creatively, but also portray during their interview their reasoning behind their designs.

Caspian said “I didn’t expect to win it! Every day I’d be researching different styles of design, and thinking how I could incorporate different ideas.”

He also demonstrated his creative talent after being selected to brand MidKent College’s Glassbox Theatre at its Medway Campus.

He says “The branding is in such a prominent position and when I leave the College it’s still going to be there. I can show future employers that I’ve got experience of dealing with clients and large-scale designs. It definitely helped me to get ready for employment.

I’d definitely recommend anyone to study here – the opportunities they give you are second to none.”

Art & Design lecturer Barbara Jossi said “Caspian achieved the fantastic result of Gold at WorldSkills UK at the end of last year. He impressed the judges with not only his creative talent through the continuity of his design, but also his commitment and dedication to ensuring that his submission pieces reflected the company ethos.

His branding for the new Glassbox Theatre at our Medway Campus is an excellent piece for his portfolio to demonstrate his passion and experience to a future employer. It is so vital that our students achieve relevant industry experience to not only improve their employability skills, but also develop their skills and confidence to meet a creative brief. I am so proud of all that Caspian has achieved, and really wish him the best in his future career as a designer.”

If you are interested in studying Art & Design at College please click here to view more about our study programmes.