Level 3 in Business student Michael Nyazika was offered a fantastic internship opportunity with supermarket chain Morrisons. He investigated how the staff rewards and recognition process could be improved.

Michael said “One of the first things we looked at was allowing staff to work in the role as a manager for the day, and vice versa. We hoped they’d gain a better understanding of the roles, and managers would be better able to reward them, as it’s a difficult job in the warehouse.

I also looked at ideas for incentives including employees being given a brunch, designated parking spaces to recognise their hard work or weekends away.

I’ve enjoyed it as I’ve been given lots of opportunities to do different things. I’ve also had the opportunity to go to a care home to visit the elderly residents as part of Morrisons’ community outreach team.”

Deputy head of department for Business Camilla Maurice said “The opportunity that Michael has been given at Morrisons is invaluable as he will really gain vital industry knowledge which will benefit his further study at university and his career.

Our close links with local and national employers ensure that our students can put the transferable skills and knowledge that they have learnt at College into relevant industry placements. These experiences provide our students with an excellent and realistic insight into the industry, and prepare them for their future careers.”

We wish Michael luck in his university studies – he’s hoping to study International Business Management, and has been offered a place at Nottingham Trent University.

Find out more about a Business study programme and industry placements.