During the 2021-2022 academic year, MidKent College is receiving additional funding as part of a government initiative to help students who have had their education disrupted by Covid-19.

We will be using this funding to provide additional one-to-one and small group tuition for students on study programmes who:

  • have not yet achieved English and maths GCSEs at grade 5 or above, who require additional teacher input in excess of regular timetabled activity to prepare for resits in the summer 2022 exam series, or
  • joined the College on Level 3 technical programmes with teacher-assessed English and maths GCSEs at grade 5, who struggle to demonstrate the linguistic and mathematical aptitude required for Level 3 study, or
  • need additional support to develop technical and practical skills to address any shortfall in previous learning

The College will achieve this by:

  • identifying specific skills development sessions within the timetable for each study programme
  • increasing the teaching resource within the College to meet the provision of the additional skills development sessions
  • offering 1:1 coaching/ mentoring to enhance engagement and participation and remove barriers to study and learning identified for students and
  • offering technical knowledge and skills support to improve the development of practical skills and make up for any shortfall from previous learning

Tuition Fund support offered will be based on an individual need’s assessment, the identification of an individuals starting point, clear learning goals, expectations and outcomes.