Course Description

CCN1 is required for any operative wishing to work on domestic gas installations and appliances. In addition, the operative must also hold the relevant appliance element relating to the work they wish to undertake.

Initial Core Domestic Gas Safety (CCN1) training and assessment covers:

  • Gas safety regulations and other relevant legislation
  • Combustion, relevant pressures and gas rates
  • Gas pipe work
  • Tightness testing and purging, including low and medium pressure
  • Chimney systems recognition and testing
  • Ventilation
  • Gas controls

    Initial appliances training covers:
  • Installation
  • Commissioning
  • Servicing and maintenance
  • Basic gas safety fault finding

    Assessment is carried out using a variety of assessment methods including multiple choice, short written response and scenario questions and observed practical assessment.

    The appliance assessments the college can provide are;
    >CENWAT ~ Central heating boilers/hot water heaters
    >CKR1 ~ Cookers
    >HTR1 ~ Space heaters (including gas fires and wall heaters)
    >MET1 ~ Meters
    >CPA1 ~ Combustion Analysis

Other Important Information

  • This is an intense training and assessment course where students must fully engage. In addition to attending the centre, there will be the necessity for some home study time on the course.

  • Mandatory course manuals are required to complete the course, and can be purchased from the centre at the start of the course.

  • Each certificate has a 5 year expiry date from the date of the assessment.

Entry Requirements

Candidates on this course must have completed the managed learning programme and have a completed onsite gas assessment portfolio.