When I was thinking about coming to College I originally looked online for courses and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to study plumbing or electrical, so I came to an open day, and ended up choosing plumbing. To get accepted onto the Level 2 course I needed grade 4 or above in maths and English GCSE which I had.

For work experience, I’ve worked with Swale Heating for a few months. It included early wake ups, going to jobs across Kent and London and observing what the engineer was doing. I picked up some helpful tips and helped out where I could. It was great to learn on the job. I put things I had learned from college into practice. 

On the course we’ve practiced different circuits and materials such as copper, plastic and steal, soldering, using different components and bending pipes. We’ve gone into the bays and done our practical work on unvented systems. Both of my tutors are really helpful and approachable.

I’ve noticed that College is different from school. People get easily distracted at school, and are not as focused. College is different, if you mess around you could be thrown off the course. It feels more real being in College as you are learning a lot practically in the subject you enjoy. I enjoy doing something that I am passionate about, especially as it’s something I want to do as a career and I like socialising with the other students I’ve met on the course.

My plan when I've finished College is to get an apprenticeship with a plumbing and heating company.