I decided to come to College instead of sixth form as I preferred the more practical side of the programme rather than just doing exams. I came to one of the open events and had a look around. I am hopefully joining Royal Marines so I have applied for that and am currently practising my fitness tests.  

So far on the programme we have covered discipline and obedience. We have done sport, so health and fitness and created a six week training programme and then we acted on that to make sure we were fit enough to do the roles in our jobs. 

We are currently doing government and media which shows how the media display the government. We are also doing map reading in lesson. For the unit on discipline I think the most practical thing we did was drill, so at 8.30am in the morning we would be out in the car park in the cold doing drill and morning muster. For sport we did riot shield holds and the dummy drag tests. My favourite part so far has been sport.  

There is a theory side to the programme. There are quite a lot of tasks which have to be handed in at the end of each unit. There are usually three tasks per unit and one is a PowerPoint. There aren’t any exams which I prefer.  

The facilities are really good and you can use the laptops in the LRC. I would say to anyone in year 11 that they should keep their options open and that MidKent College is a great College and I would recommend it.