I was previously in sixth form, and decided I wanted a change and that I wanted to do Travel & Tourism. I already knew about the College, and it was when I was on my work experience that I decided to apply.

We’ve studied a package in Jamacia – a package and tailor made holiday – and customer service. We’re doing interpersonal skills and at the moment we’re studying travel planning for a business traveller.

After this programme I would like to progress onto the Cabin Crew programme at the College and the go on to be crew.

The facilities here are really, really good, especially the LRC where all of the books we need are provided. Our cabin is amazing too, which I’ll use more on the Cabin Crew programme.

My tutors are amazing, Karen, Aimee and Lisa are really lovely. There’s a big jump between school and College but as long as you find your way around you’ll be fine. You’re treated as an adult more.