We learn about a mixture of different things in class like biology, husbandry and the overall care of the animals. My favourite part of the course is the practical lessons, I like handling the animals and feeding them.
We also get to clean them out and groom them – I enjoy it. I chose MidKent College as it had the best animal care course in my opinion, it’s close to where I live and has lots of different animals.
Whilst being at the College I’ve done work experience for two years now at a rescue centre at a farm with animals. I clean out, groom and feed the animals – basically the overall care of the animals.
We’ve had a few guest speakers come in like people from the Big Cat Sanctuary and people from a cat rescue. I found them helpful as they give you more information on what they do and how they work.
My tutors give me really good advice, we do everything thoroughly/properly – they only want the best for us.
After my course has finished I want to go to university and be a vet for horses. I would definitely recommend this course to other students.
My advice for anyone thinking about starting this course is to be confident, don’t be scared.