Returning to education after a long gap does take commitment and dedication. You’ll need to balance other responsibilities such as employment and a home life, but the long-term benefits include an increased salary, career development or a new direction. Don't worry - we're here to help you to settle in.

Set clear goals

What do you want to achieve by completing a professional or higher-level university qualification? Having a specific goal in mind will help to motivate you during your studies.

Do you have a career in mind? What qualifications are needed to achieve that role? How long will the training take?

Student finance

Check out all of the different student finance options available to you from loans and bursaries through to childcare support. Some employers pay, or part-pay, your student fees too so it’s best to discuss with them as to their training budget too.

Plan your time

In order to balance studying, working and a home life you’ll need to be efficient and plan your time well. Remove time wasting activities (hello scrolling through social media!), and think how you work best. Do you prefer a whole day set aside to dedicate to studying, or need to break this down into smaller bite size time chunks?

Be consistent with your studying and organise your notes. Diarise your deadlines and block out time to complete assignments.

Your support network

Establish your support network before you start your studies, and keep them updated with how you’re feeling and progressing. They’ll also be interested to find out more about what you’re up to! If you’re in employment, talk through your course with your manager and colleagues too.

Could now be the right time to study a professional or university level qualification? Check out MidKent College’s courses here.