Level 3 Digital Support Technician apprentice Charlotte Brooks is our apprentice of the month for January! Find out why she was nominated by her tutor and manager below. Well done Charlotte - we're so proud of you!

Her tutor Karen Scott said:
“Charlotte has worked incredibly hard and has shown a real commitment to learning both on the job and off. She is highly committed, making excellent progress and is clearly very well respected by her peers and service receivers. Her manner is very professional and confident, and she has clearly gained a high level of respect from everyone around her. She is well deserving of apprentice of the month.”

Charlotte said:
“Being recognised as apprentice of the month feels incredible to me. I feel like I have made fantastic progress in the apprenticeship itself and I am able to take on any workload or information to make me not only improve as an apprentice and a staff member, but also prepare me for full-time employment afterwards.

Working for MidKent College, especially in my department with my team, is fantastic. I would not be as far along in my apprenticeship with my knowledge and interest in the subject without the incredible support, time and effort that everyone within the ICT team has put into my learning. I have been presented with awesome opportunities to work with other key departments within the College, which I think has not only developed me as a person, but it has also allowed me to become a valuable member of the team, and to the organisation.

I feel like I have been able to improve staff and student experience within the College by always trying my best to provide them with a fantastic customer experience.”

Paul Hogben, Director of ICT at MidKent College, said:
“Charlotte joined the ICT team during arguably one of the hardest times that any new starter could due to the impact of COVID-19, supporting staff working from home.

Charlotte very quickly adapted to the standard of service we deliver but gave so much more, looking to support our employees’ wellbeing as well as completing her day-to-day role. Charlotte’s strong work ethic and infectious enthusiasm has pushed the ICT team to improve our standards of service and to strive for more. Charlotte takes all opportunities available to support her own development and to support the wider team. To me, Charlotte has been an inspiration for apprenticeships and the ICT team are fortunate to have her working with us! Due to changes in the ICT team, an opportunity arose, which has led to Charlotte now securing full-time employment as a 2nd Line Engineer for MidKent College with a long future ahead of her!

Thank you Charlotte for your continued hard work, and well done on receiving this award. You truly deserve this.""

Are you interested in an apprenticeship at MidKent College? Find out more about the different options available to you here.