James is currently a Business Engagement Apprentice at MidKent College and studying for a Business Administration apprenticeship. Find out why his manager and trainer nominated him for this award below! Apply online now for an apprenticeship for this September.
James works for Employer Engagement Manager, Camilla Maurice, who said: ‘James has been an asset to the team since joining. He has continued to impress with his excellent work ethic, thinking outside of the box and offering excellent ideas and solutions. James has taken on board feedback to improve his work and developed his knowledge and understanding of our local business environment and the role the College has in supporting local skills development to benefit our stakeholders and our students. I have been impressed by his proactive attitude, his willingness to get stuck in and his approach to his role and his studies.’
Apprentice trainer at MidKent College, Eleanor Neely, said: ‘James is a valued and hardworking apprentice, often exceeding what is expected. His assignments are always on time and of great quality, and his portfolio submissions are often exceeding a pass before the distinction criteria is shared or instructed.’
James said: ‘My confidence has grown since beginning my apprenticeship with MidKent College. I was welcomed into the team and given a voice within my role, which has allowed me to make suggestions in planning College events, attending networking meetings and promoting apprenticeships to local and national businesses. I am very grateful for this award.’
Congratulations James!
Thinking about applying for an apprentice? Or would an apprentice benefit your company? Find out more!