Congratulations to Jazmine, and her employer MCCH! Are you thinking about becoming an apprentice? Apply online now to secure your place for September. We look forward to seeing you!

"I feel very honoured to have been recognised as an apprentice of the month. It feels like my hard work and determination has really paid off! Receiving this award shows me that I have managed myself and tasks on a professional level. I have secured a permanent position within the organisation which I undertook my apprenticeship with. I have learnt a lot more about my personal values and I have a different perspective on my visions and values. My apprenticeship showed me that organisations within the care industry needed academics who understand the organisation and what it means for the people we support.

Working for MCCH has truly been amazing; I have learnt so much more about the industry and the values of the organisation. MCCH has shown me a lot about my personal perspective and about myself. I have become hard-working and very passionate about my role. I am very dedicated to ensuring that what I am doing is at the highest possible standard and to make improvements where needed. I have gained a lot of experience while being at MCCH. I have worked in a lot of roles to expand my experience which have made me come out of my comfort zone. I have been in the learning and development department, reception and now I have started my new role in HR.

The best part about working for MCCH is that we help individuals to live the best life they possibly can and ensuring all staff are satisfied with our help if they need it. Seeing the work our support assistants do has also inspired me to work within the services as a relief staff member.

Jazmine was voted by her training officer Steven Elks, who had this to say ...
"Jazmine Palmer joined MCCH in September 2017 to start her Business Administration apprenticeship in the learning and development department. Jazmine was trained and given responsibility for updating staff training records on internal systems and ensuring that all new staff completed the correct mandatory training. She was also given responsibility for preparing induction sessions for new staff, ensuring that they were invited to attend these programmes, providing support in preparing learning resources and collating evaluation and feedback.

Jazmine took on an additional role in the organisation working directly with residents in their accommodation for several hours a week. This was something that she was keen to undertake, as she wanted to learn more about what the organisation did.

In September 2018, Jazmine was successful in gaining a full-time position at MCCH in the HR department. She is now close to completing her apprenticeship having completed her Level 2 Diploma in Business Administration subject to this passing through the Internal Quality Assurance process. She is also due to sit her Level 2 Maths Functional Skills exam as she wanted to try to improve this GCSE grade.

jazmine palmer

She has been an excellent apprentice, working very hard in her job role and grasping every opportunity that has come her way at MCCH."

Find out more about what an apprenticeship can do for your business.