It's that time again - apprentice of the month! Congratulations to Jodie who is an apprentice for Medway Council in the HR team. See what her employer Jo feels about having Jodie as one of her employees...

"Jodie is a key member of our team and her commitment and dedication to everything she undertakes is resolute. Jodie is keen to improve herself and seeks out new opportunities to learn and develop. She is a joy to work with and we would like to congratulate her on this nomination."

Let’s hear what our winner had to say about being Apprentice of the Month:

"I feel really proud that my efforts are being recognised. Working for Medway Council is enjoyable and brings new challenges and chance for improvements constantly. The best part about working for Medway Council is the people and I really enjoy the team I work in; I always feel supported and motivated by them."

Here is why Jodie was nominated by her Training Officer, Jane Laraman.

"Jodie consistently works really hard and always meets the targets set for her. She has maintained 100% attendance and punctuality and is always organised and prepared for the lessons and meetings. Jodie is always enthusiastic and never complains even when the pressure can sometimes be tough. She is always professional, polite and very friendly and in my opinion, the perfect student!"

Well done Jodie!

jodie sanders

MidKent College offer various apprenticeships throughout Kent. Click through to our apprenticeships page for more info.