This July our Apprentice of the Month is Megan Hedley, one of our Business Administration apprentices.

Her training officers Jane Laraman and Steven Elks said:

Megan has produced some outstanding evidence from her workplace for her Level 2 apprenticeship in Business Administration. Her portfolio is of excellent quality and she takes a great pride in her work. She has passed all of her exams and assignments on the first attempt. In the workplace she has grown and developed into a key member of the team. She also acted upon all of the constructive feedback she has been given and her confidence has grown immeasurably during the duration of her apprenticeship. She is a pleasure to work with and has a conscientious and diligent approach to her work. She is on track to complete her apprenticeship ahead of her scheduled end date. We have found her a pleasure to work with and wish her every success in the future.

Her employer Dental Dynamix said:

I received Megan Hedley’s CV in November 2019, listing her skills as highly organised, excellent communication, team player, basic computer knowledge, people skills and experience in customer service.

The past year and a half have proven the skills listed to be Megan’s life mantra in achieving her potential, and she did not take half measures.

Her confidence has grown to a point where she has taken ownership of our support contract administration and billing, in an extremely organised manner. Her communication has always been strong, and she has a professional approach that has allowed her to build a trust relationship with our clientele.

Megan’s customer service skill is a huge benefit to our marketing endeavours.

Megan is always keen to take on new challenges and work closely with other staff members to ensure the end goal is understood; she will work tirelessly to overachieve on the expectations.

She is a confident hardworking individual with a good balance of humour to get her through her tasks and is loved by all her colleagues.

I value Megan’s input in our office and feel confident in her abilities. I am feeling excited for the day that she completes her programme. She is ready to fly.

Megan was delighted to be our apprentice of the month and said:

How do you feel about being recognised for apprentice of the month?

I have worked very hard during my apprenticeship and feel very proud that my hard work has been recognised.

What is it like working for Dental Dynamix?

Amazing! At Dental Dynamix feedback and new ideas are always encouraged, with achievements and hard work ALWAYS being recognised. No day is the same and there is always something different which comes, even if it is a challenge.

What is the best part about working for Dental Dynamix?

That is hard question because everything at Dental Dynamix contributes to the best parts, even the challenges along the way. One of my favourite parts is taking on the various new responsibilities, alongside al ofl the confidence I have gained. Building a very good working relationship with those around me is one of the best things too as there is never a day we go without smiling.

megan hedley

Are you interested in a Business Administration apprenticeship? Find out more here.