• It’s a vital part of your study programme
  • Employers are most definitely looking for a good competency in English
  • You never stop learning – even at age 80!
  • Everyday life involves English, whether you realise it or not!
  • So let’s take that apart…

It’s a vital part of your study programme.

Your qualification isn’t just about learning how to be a plumber, hairdresser or fitness coach. It’s SO much more than that – you’ll improve your numeracy skills, employability opportunities and literacy skills too. They’d be no point coming to College to just learnt how to be a plumber if you then had no workplace knowledge, and couldn’t communicate effectively to get the job in the first place!

Employers are most definitely looking for it

It’s fairly common nowadays for employers to ask for a minimum of a GCSE grade C in English (across almost all industries), and we’re here to help you get at least a C in English. Otherwise how are you ever going to get a job to pay for those holidays, cars and nice house that you’re thinking of? Good written communication skills are vital in all roles – from administration to communicating with customers and even writing up quotes!

You never stop learning – even at age 80!

You’ve all seen headlines such as “Great-granny tries skydiving aged 99!”. Well it’s the same for English, you never stop learning new ways of writing or new phrases. This can be as simple as reading a new blog post (why hello!), picking up a new book (check out the LRC for the latest Book of the Month) or skimming news online. Your brain is like a sponge.

Everyday life involves English, whether you realise it or not!

Sorry to disappoint. Every single day you’re going to need a decent level of English. That could be on the bus, reading the news or even a giant advert on the side of the road!

One last thing to consider, if you're looking to achieve career success in the teaching and education sector, having a strong understanding of English literature and language is a must-have.
An English qualification validates your level of ability, capability and understanding of the subject. If you're looking to embark upon a career in the teaching and education sector, read more about our teacher training courses to take your first steps towards career success!

So yes, it’s so much about the have to as you simply won’t be able to function without being confident communicating at work, home and in your personal life!