If you're preparing for mock exams at the moment it might be hard to find reasons why you should be thankful for them, but there are lots of positives! Mock exams are a great opportunity to help you prepare for the real thing and make your actual exams less stressful.

By simulating the actual exam environment, your mocks will help you get used to proper exam conditions. You'll gain experience of working under time pressure, writing with a pen for a longer period of time than you may be used to, and even being in a totally silent room with no distractions. This means when you face these conditions again you should be less nervous and can feel more confident. 

Completing practice exam papers, including those you take under exam conditions in your mock exams, will help you identify areas of strength as well as those that you might need to give some extra attention to in the coming weeks and months. Being aware of what you need to focus your study on is a massive advantage, especially if you're going to be taking multiple exams and have a broad range of topics to cover in your revision. 

Sitting mock exams promotes effective time management and strategic planning. You'll learn to allocate your time wisely between different sections of the exam, to ensure you can answer all of the questions and give more time to the questions that have more marks available. This skill is not only beneficial for exams but also translates into better productivity in other aspects of study and work.

Preparing for exams is incredibly important, and your mocks are a powerful learning exercise that will help you get ready for the real thing. If you're struggling with exam pressure, reach out to your education provider for support. If you're a MidKent College student already, contact your tutor or our Student Support Team.