This week is Welcome Week at College, for everyone to get settled before your lessons start properly. We’ve got some advice for making sure you get the most out of your College countdown. We're so glad you decided to join us!

Head to the Freshers' Fair

Next week sees the start of the Freshers' Fairs. There’s loads of free stuff for starters, as well as information, demonstrations, and the chance for you to get your NUS discount card alongside competitions to win more free things!

Ask questions

There aren’t such things as stupid questions (99% of the time). Chat to your tutors and lecturers about any queries you have and don’t be afraid to ask.

Start as you mean to go on

Come in to your first week at College with a positive attitude and you’ll be off to a great start. You’ve moved on from school, and are hopefully studying something that interests you and that you’d like to maybe have a career in.

Look at the resources available to you

Each course has a range of resources for you to use, whether this be graphic design software, musical instruments, tools, and even the tarantulas in Animal Care. Familiarise yourself with these so you know what you can use when you might need it!

Explore campus

Did you know there’s a brand new Starbucks in the Maidstone UCM? Or that Medway has three blocks, each with 4 floors filled with workshops, classrooms, LRCs and break out spaces? Have a look around and see what you can find – it’s easy to just stick to the corridor you’re in without seeing all the facilities on offer.

Meet the teams

The Careers and Finance teams are all down in the Info Zones and you never know when you might need their help. Pop down and ask them what they do - they're a friendly bunch!

For any more questions you have about starting College, just drop us a message on Facebook.