Applying to university, courses or training can often seem like a daunting prospect, particularly if you are applying for something you know is oversubscribed or asking for high entry criteria. We’ve put together some of the top tips we know work to make your application the best it can be.

Nailing a personal statement can be easier than you think.

  • Personality – readers want to know about you. What you’re like, what you’re interested in, and why you think your personality would suit your course (but draw the line at overly personal details, such as what you like for breakfast)
  • Think about the wider world. How will what you’re studying tie into the world outside of your course, and where does your subject fit into the future?
  • What do you get up to outside of the classroom, or your current job? Activities such as dance, being a carer, or even cooking, can influence you more than you think. For example, if you’re great at baking cakes, it may mean you have a keen eye for detail and follow instructions well. Speak about how your life experiences fit into your course content.
  • Don’t list. Nobody likes long lists, particularly shopping or to do ones. It’s great to put in as much as you can, but make sure it’s relevant.
  • Mention your goals. Often people who are going on to study further have aspirations to be somewhere, or work a certain kind of job. Tell your readers about your plans for the future and how the course can help you get there.

Always get someone to check it- whether it’s your nan, a teacher, or a friend.