If school for you is a distant memory and you left without many qualifications, it can be difficult to understand the fuss about GCSEs or BTECs - particularly if you feel you did very well without them! These days, the need for qualifications from employers is much more apparent. Find out how you can help your young person...

We’ve put together some facts and figures to highlight their importance below: 

  • Recent research has shown that there is a direct link between GCSE grades and earning potential: “[students] who perform just one GCSE grade better than their counterparts across nine subjects have been shown to earn on average over £200,000 more throughout their lives.” * 
  • A Government survey has revealed that the majority of employers find GCSEs useful in selecting candidates, with 1 in 4 saying they are “very useful." *
  • Maths and English are considered to be the most important subjects for candidates to have by employers. 

It’s not all about money though! Having some qualifications under our belt generally makes us feel more confident and also gives us more freedom in our choice of career. 

A higher level of parental support is linked with higher attainment in GCSEs, so how can you help as a parent? Here are a few simple tips: 

  1. Know the dates for the exams. Stick them on the fridge or even better pop them into your phone’s calendar.  This will reduce the chance of them being unprepared, late for an exam or missing it altogether! 
  2. Make sure your child is not having too many late nights, is drinking plenty of water and is eating reasonably healthy. Not easy with teenagers, we know! 
  3. Plan holidays and days out carefully - they shouldn’t clash with exams or revision time. 
  4. Get them out in the fresh air for breaks during revision.

Remember, we're here to help too, not just with academic support, but also with exam stress and other worries.  Contact our Student Services Team for more details.

If things are a bit hectic at home, our LRCs are a brilliant place to study with lots of resources to help. They are available at Medway, Maidstone and UCM campuses and are open on Mondays & Fridays from 8.30 am - 4.00 pm and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8.30 am - 4.30 pm.