Returning to College after a long time out of education? Don’t worry – we’re here to help you to settle in, establish a study routine and ace your qualification. It's quite normal to feel worried so read our top tips to plan your time as a mature student below...

Plan enough time

Ask your tutor how many hours out of class study hours are needed and diarise these accordingly. Do you work better in the morning, evening or later in the evening?

Set a consistent, dedicated schedule

Don’t study ad hoc throughout the week. Set aside dedicated time so you know (for instance) on a Sunday afternoon you have four hours to allow for your studies. This will then help you to not only organise your studies, but everything else around it from employment to home life and childcare.

Create a calm organised space

A messy, chaotic study area will create a messy, chaotic study schedule. Create a dedicated study space with good storage, natural lighting and plenty of desk space.

Don’t overload yourself

There’s no point committing to 20 hours a week studying if a) you don’t need to b) you physically can’t manage this around other commitments. Talk to your tutor about what is realistic and what you actually need to complete.

Diarise your deadlines

Add these to your diary, and then allocate time before then to complete any assignments. Don’t forget to leave time to make adjustments and for any feedback!

Organise yourself and your notes

Whether you prefer coloured pens, folders or sticky notes, organise your desk and notes in a way that suits you. Some people prefer answering written questions, watching videos or flash cards – work to your strengths!

Leave time for last minute changes

It’s unlikely you’ll be able to complete an assessment or essay in one go and then submit it at the same time. Leave time to write drafts, redo some parts or if inspiration for ideas strike you in the middle of the night!

We know that returning to education is a big, and sometimes scary, decision. Decide if now is the right time for your career progression, and find out more about the university level and professional courses at MidKent College here.