You’ve made your application and have an interview date coming up… what can you expect and how can you prepare? Although our interviews are now taking place over the phone instead of in person, it’s still nerve-wracking to have to talk to someone you’ve never met! 

First of all, we want to reassure you that the process is quite informal – it’s a chance for the tutor to give you a run-down of what you will be covering, to get an idea of your suitability for the programme and to decide which level will be best for you to start with.

At some point in the interview, the tutor will ask the dreaded question….” Do YOU have any questions?” Your mind goes blank but when you are off the phone, you remember all the things you wanted answers to! It’s a good idea to have a think, prior to the interview, and have a few questions prepared in advance. We have put a few common ones together for you here:

  • What are the entry requirements?
  • What happens if I don’t get those grades?
  • Will I have to take maths and/or English alongside my programme?
  • Will this programme help me to get into a specific career?
  • Where do people go on to after they finish the programme?
  • Will I have to do work experience – if so, how many hours?
  • I have additional learning needs – what support can I get?
  • What are the workshops/labs/kitchens etc like?
  • Will I be going on any trips?
  • Can I get any financial support while I am studying on this programme?

The tutor will do their best to answer you but may refer you to other departments at the College if necessary. At the end of the interview, the tutor will usually confirm verbally if they can offer you a place on the programme you have applied for. This will be followed up in due course with an email confirmation and information on enrolment for this year.

If you do forget to ask something or think of something later that you need to find out about, remember that you can check lots of information on our website. There are sections for help and advice including financial support, careers information, details about our Additional Learning Support Team (ALS) as well as details of our specialist facilities. We also have our brilliant Q&A webinars for you to watch – there is one for each subject and support area in the college.

If you’re still considering your options for September and haven’t yet applied, we are still accepting applications. The best advice is to apply ASAP!

Need more help? Get in touch with our Course Enquiries Team - you can call them on 01634 402020, send a live chat message via the website or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.