Are you joining us in September? If so, we guess that you are feeling nervous, although hopefully excited too! Leaving school and starting College is a big step for many – you'll be leaving familiar faces and places behind and starting a new more independent chapter in your life.

It’s natural to be nervous but there are steps you can take to keep those butterflies in check.

  1. Get organised.
    If you are organised you will definitely feel more relaxed. Organise the stuff you will need for College – do you have to wear a uniform for your programme? If so, make sure you know what’s required and where to get it from. If you have been given details for any books you need or required stationery, try and get these organised as early as you can to save last minute stress.
  2. Plan your journey to College
    You may have been able to walk to your previous school, but College could be a longer journey for you. This can be daunting, but if you plan your journey it will be less of a worry. If you are going to be using public transport, research the routes and the time it takes to make the journey. Ensure you have the correct timetables and bus numbers/train times. Do a dummy run so you know exactly how long it takes and where to get on and off.

If you think you may be eligible for a bursary to help with costs for travel/uniform/trips/college meals – make an application.

If you are not eligible for the bursary, maybe you are eligible for a discounted bus pass.

  1. Use your nerves in a positive way
    Try not to let nerves get the better of you. Remember that when you start College, nearly everyone else will be feeling the same as you! Be open to meeting new people and making friends. When you start College it’s possible that you won’t know anyone but instead of seeing this as a bad thing, try to see it in a positive way. See it as an opportunity to start afresh.
  2. Don’t be scared to ask questions
    There’s no getting away from the fact that College will be different from school. Hopefully you have been to an open event or a taster day which has given you the chance to get a feel for what College will be like for you. Nevertheless, you may still feel nervous and worried - fear of the unknown is pretty powerful! We are here to help, whether it’s before you start College, or during your first few weeks, please get in touch if you have any questions and we will try to help.

Why not follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram? We post regular updates on student activities, student news, success stories and other useful information. It will hopefully help you to become more familiar with College life and get you excited for September!

Questions about College? Let us know below!