With a series of mock exams coming up in the next few weeks it's inevitable that young people across Maidstone and Medway are going to spend time trying to prepare as best as possible. We talked to some of our teaching staff about their top tips to help revision. 

Here's what they came up with!

  1. Create a schedule. Plan a realistic timetable that balances study with breaks, and any other commitments that you have. Allocate specific time slots for each subject or topic to try and cover as much as you can. 
  2. Set clear goals. What do you plan to achieve in each session? Remember, small achievable goals are probably going to help more than larger unmanageable ones.
  3. Prioritise topics. Identify key topics that you think require more of your attention and prioritise your study sessions based on the importance or difficulty of the material. 
  4. Use active learning techniques. Engaging with the material by, for example, summarising it, creating flashcards or teaching it to someone else can be a great way to learn. 
  5. Mix up your subjects and topics. Avoid staying on the same subject for lengthy periods of time. Mixing up your topics can keep your mind engaged and help you to retain information. 
  6. Take regular breaks. Resting is crucial to maintaining concentration. You could try the Pomodoro technique of 25 minutes of focused study followed by a five minute rest.
  7. Stay organised. Keep your study materials, notes and resources organised, and use tools like folders, binders or apps to manage your materials efficiently. 
  8. Use a range of resources. Think about how you could use textbooks, online tutorial videos and practice exam questions to help your revision. 
  9. Sleep well. Ensure you get enough restful sleep - this will aid your concentration and is crucial for memory consolidation and brain function. 
  10. Review your progress. How are those goals looking? Are your study sessions achieving what you'd hoped they would? If not, adjust your plan accordingly. 

Good luck with your revision, and your mock exams!