Deciding whether to jump straight into university or take a gap year can be a big decision for many young students. While the traditional path of going directly from College to university works well for some, others might prefer taking a year travelling to explore, grow, and gain valuable life experiences before settling down to university life.
- Self-improvement
A gap year will offer you the chance to step outside the academic environment and explore different interests, passions, and goals. Whether it's travelling, volunteering, working, or pursuing a hobby, the experiences gained during this time can help shape who you are and what you want to do in the future.
2. Gain real-world experience
During a gap year, students can gain valuable real-world experience through internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering. This hands-on experience not only builds practical skills but will also improve your CV and will give you a better understanding of different industries and career paths.
3. Develop independence and life skills
Living independently, managing finances, navigating new environments, and dealing with unexpected challenges are all part of the gap year experience. These experiences will help you develop independence, resilience, and important life skills that are beneficial for university life and beyond.
4. Improved academic performance
Gap years tend to get a bad rep! The general idea that taking a gap year is lazy and demonstrates a lack of direction is a misconception. Research suggests that students who take a gap year often return to university more motivated and with better academic performance. The break from studying can help reignite your passion and enthusiasm for learning!
5. Learn about other cultures
Travelling during a gap year will expose you to new cultures, languages, and perspectives, help you understand and empathise with others, learn to be adaptable, and gain a broader worldview - qualities that are really valued in the workplace.
You’ll find load of resources online to help you decide if a gap year is for you and help you with planning your trip or placement. Prospects is a good place to start – good luck!