Congratulations to Harvey Clifton, William Menqual, Morgan Anderson, Mitchell Knight, Oliver Brown and Jake Newman from BorgWarner. They are Engineering apprentices at our Medway Campus.

We talked to each apprentice in turn to find out more about them and their apprenticeship:


“Every day is something different in terms of the work and the skills I learn. The staff are helpful and will go above and beyond in helping me to develop. The company have offered a range of amazing opportunities and are dedicated to improving our skills.”

His employer said: “Harvey always shows an interest in his work and gives 100% at all times.”


“I feel grateful for being recognised for all the hard work and effort I have put into my apprenticeship. They are helpful, understanding and will be there to help out if needed – and of course the best part is getting paid for learning.”

His employer said: “William works extremely hard to always complete of the tasks put to him.”


“I am very proud of what I have achieved and am very fortunate to work for the company as I am constantly learning new skills and expanding my knowledge on engineering.”

His employer said: “Morgan applies himself to all of his tasks and is a good team player.”


“The best part of working for the company is being able to experience different aspects of engineering as I go around different departments and learn new skills that I can apply to each area I work in.”

His employer said: “Mitchell is a hard worker and achieves good results.”


“The best part about BorgWarner has to be the challenges it presents and having to find ways to overcome them.”

His employer said: “Jake works hard at all times and achieves good results.”


“You are given the opportunity to challenge yourself by taking on new projects and to be able to see different sides of engineering and the sides of working for a global company of this calibre.”

His employer said: “Oliver always applies himself 100% to all tasks and delivers good results.”

Group of Apprentices

From left to right: back row: Mark Onslow, Operations and Deputy Plant Manager, Jake, Mitchell, Oliver and Claire Winter, HR Business Partner

Front row: Tony Caby, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer/Apprenticeship Assessor, Morgan, William, Harvey.

Dave Roffe, apprentice trainer at MidKent College, said “All six BorgWarner apprentices have demonstrated a keen interest and excellent attitude. They have also shown some significant improvements over their training programme with some exceptional results. They take part in group discussions and make relevant contributions. Overall, they are a credit to themselves and their employer. A group award for Apprentice of the Month would be very well deserved.”

Find out more about becoming an apprentice or hiring an apprentice this September.