Finding time to focus on your study whilst managing your workload and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be hard but we’ve put together some tips which might help. We're looking forward to welcoming you to College!

Plan your workload

At the start of every term try to plan your workload from the offset so you’re on top of it. Write down your assignment deadlines and write them in your calendar so you don’t forget. Schedule time in your calendar for study time so you can work it around other life commitments.

Establish a routine

Once you’ve planned your workload you can now set aside time each week for your study sessions. To do this, make sure you think about the following:

  • What do I need to achieve by the end of each session?
  • How long will it take me?
  • Where does this fit in with your current work/life commitments?

Realistic timings

Scheduling 8 hours of pure study time in a day doesn’t necessarily mean you will be productive for those 8 hours. So, try and do it in smaller chunks with short breaks to use your energy more effectively.

Try not to cram too much into your day either, you need to be realistic when it comes to giving yourself time to study.

Finding extra time

When looking at your calendar can you find extra time in the day to study? You could potentially get up earlier in the morning to give yourself extra time to revise or read.

Look after your relationships

It is important to make sure you stay connected to family and friends, but it is worth discussing how these relationships might be affected temporarily whilst you are studying.

Try and make friends with people on your programme

Getting to know other people on your course can be motivating. You can share ideas, support one another, and help each other revise if you’re struggling.

Getting into a study mindset

It can be difficult to concentrate on your study when you’re balancing it with work, home life, outside relationships and more. So, getting your mindset right is key to being productive in a study session.

If you find yourself struggling with motivation, remind yourself why you chose this path and why you chose to study the programme. Think about the benefits once you’ve finished and where it can lead you afterwards.

Have a dedicated space to study

Having somewhere you can escape getting into the study mode is crucial. This could be a solution if you are struggling to study at home with distractions.

Dealing with distractions

To avoid distractions, we recommend leaving your phone outside of your study space, this can stop the temptation of picking your phone up and falling down a rabbit hole of social media or other unnecessary distractions whilst studying.

If you’re living with others, make sure they know you’re studying and not to disturb you.

Learn to manage a high workload

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling with work deadlines and studying. Don’t suffer in silence, always ask someone for help if needed.

Take breaks

It’s okay to step away from the screen or books for a break when studying. Make sure you set break times every few hours when planning your study schedule.

Choose something that doesn’t involve your brain processing information but something that will help you switch off and relax for a bit. That could be sitting down to watch a boxset or going for a walk.

Keeping fit

Exercises will help release endorphins which help you destress, stimulate your brain, and clear your mind. Keeping fit helps keep you healthy and helps you stay on track with work and study.

For more information about studying at MidKent College as an adult, click here.

If you’re looking for financial support as an adult learner, you can find out more here.